What’s the bedrock of a manufacturing business that runs smoothly and efficiently? Realtime reporting. Managers of manufacturing enterprises need to know what’s happening with their operations, the granular details that illuminate progress, process, and potential problems, and they need that information to be accurate, and timely.
As Industry 4.0 technology continues to improve processes for many manufacturing industries, managers are using realtime reporting on critical activities and events to instill efficiency and agility into their manufacturing operations. Let’s take a look at how they’re doing it.
Accurate, Realtime Reporting For Manufacturers With ThinkIQ Vision
How can managers respond quicker to critical activities and events and make decisions more accurately and efficiently?
Realtime reporting of data in a manufacturing operation allows managers to take corrective or preventative action before things get out of hand, avoiding costly breakdowns, slowdowns, and safety or quality issues that might disrupt production and damage profit margins.
Managers in need of realtime reporting on critical activities and events need look no further than ThinkIQ Vision. With ThinkIQ Vision’s realtime reporting technology, decision-makers are fed continuous actionable intelligence, enabling them to take immediate action to correct operational issues and keep production running at target capacities.
Some manufacturers might be concerned about the investment of time and money required to make a transition to digital reporting — but ThinkIQ Vision works with the equipment you already have, without any inconvenient interference.
Data provided by ThinkIQ Vision is based on machine vision that automatically turns the streams from standard IP (internet protocol) cameras into business information.
Here's How It Works
1 - Instrument: Non-invasive ThinkIQ Vision cameras are rapidly installed. No retrofit is necessary, and since the stems look at equipment vs. connecting to it, any vintage machine can be digitized. Additionally, ThinkIQ Vision can create "visual twins” of operator activities and material or product information with no need for data entry.
2 – Analyze: ThinkIQ Vision captures the data at the edge and then transmits it as needed to our cloud to feed the artificial intelligence pipeline. ThinkIQ automatically translates your physical operations into analytical data.
3 – Action: ThinkIQ Vision delivers realtime feedback of actionable intelligence to understand and act upon.
ThinkIQ Vision provides the complete picture by measuring machines for utilization, materials & products for status, and people for efficiency. Actual productivity can now be captured with just a standard camera.
ThinkIQ Vision Can Deliver
- The current state of all machines' actual productivity
- Time travel to enable review of all captured activity
- Unbiased comparison of productivity between shifts and between machines of similar type
- Realtime analysis of inbound and outbound traffic and materials
- Unbiased breakdown of setup time vs. run-time of machines
- A variety of safety violation analysis to improve workplace safety
Empower your team to make realtime, informed decisions that decrease cycle time and increase margins without retrofit, disruptions to your operations, or the need for expensive new machinery or IT infrastructure. You’ll have clarity, reliability, and advanced operational performance.
With ThinkIQ Vision’s realtime reporting, manufacturing managers now have the capacity to achieve superior visibility into their operations, gaining detailed and timely insight that allows them to implement precise, dependable decision-making, when and where it counts.
Experience a meaningful increase in safety, throughput, and productivity, with ThinkIQ Vision.
Let’s talk about how to transform your manufacturing operations. Our experts are ready to answer all of your questions on Smart Manufacturing processes and how to harness the benefits of ThinkIQ Vision for the success and growth of your business. Also be sure to take advantage of more invaluable insight by downloading our new eBook titled "Advanced Material Traceability Revolutionizes Digital Transformation"